Prostor ZMUC-a na Zemunskom keju (Njegoševa 53) bio je prepoznatljiv kao malo mesto sa brojnom publikom. Tokom desetogodišnjeg rada na prostoru na Zemunskom keju organizovani su događaji, programi i manifestacije neshvatljivog koncepta. Od izložbi, koncerata i programa Umetnici kuvaju ponedeljkom, preko Festivala besmislenih veština, letnjeg takmičarskog...

Trial & Error je jedan od dva osnovna pristupa rešavanju problema, održavanja postojećeg ili sticanju novog znanja. U suprotnosti je sa onim koji koristi informisanost, razumevanje i teoriju, i karakterišu ga ponovljeni, raznovrsni pokušaji koji se nastavljaju do uspeha, ili dok sami ne postanu besmisleni....

The Museum of Corruption (MoC), a project by ZMUC to expand its network of organizations and similar initiatives, with partners from Romania and Ukraine – Open Hub and the Laboratory for Cultural Research – has been enriched by Alphabet of Democracy by South African artist...

The area of ZMUC on the Zemun quay (Njegoševa 53) was recognizable as a small place with a large audience. During ten years of work in the area on the Zemun quay, events, programs and events of an incomprehensible concept were organized. From exhibitions, concerts and...

This is the third project. This is the third project. This is the third project. This is the third project. This is the third project. This is the third project. This is the third project. This is the third project. ...

The Museum of Corruption (MoC), a project by ZMUC to expand its network of organizations and similar initiatives, with partners from Romania and Ukraine – Open Hub and the Laboratory for Cultural Research – has been enriched by Alphabet of Democracy by South African artist...